dimanche 1 avril 2012

Brief review of four expeditions in Florida

1562: the first expedition to Florida led by Jean Ribault who realizes in 1563
in his narrative published in London in 1563 and The Whole true Discoverye of Terra
Florida. French translation by Suzanne Lussagnet in The French
America during the second half of the sixteenth century. Volume II: The French in Florida,
Paris, PUF, 1958.

1564: second voyage under Captain Laudonniere of which was the second of John
Ribault in 1562

1565: third expedition led by Jean Ribault, trip that ended with the massacre
the French commander decided by the Spanish Menendez de Avila, including
the murder of Jean Ribault.

1567: fourth expedition led by Captain Gourgues "and eager to revenge
raise the honor of his country. "

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